Friday, July 17, 2015

Privatize our Military

Privatize our Military
Robert R. Odle, Ph.D.

… Marines for Hire ....
As Eisenhower predicted, our Military Industrial Complex makes a huge sucking sound on our national resources each year.  If you add in the wars to our annual “normal spending” on military policing of the world (military defense is a misnomer), it is absolutely mind boggling ---  on the order of a trillion dollars a year.   What do we get out of it.  Well, certainly more than a military defense … the only one that could invade the U.S. is the U.S.

To soothe our fear, we get the illusion that we control the world.

Our military is in 150 countries around the world.  We have the belief, despite the facts, that we can control the world by force.  Twenty years of war in the middle east should convince us that it is an illusion.  The power of a radical islamic religion is not something that can be stopped with bullets, in fact, it feeds on the death of it’s members and grows stronger with each person we kill.  And, no, with billions of Muslims in the world, it is literally not possible to kill them all, nor is it possible to identify which Muslim is going to go radical in advance.

Sell the Illusion to Those that Believe Force is the Answer

It is a shame how much money we have spent on the illusion that we can control the world with military.  It is even a bigger shame that many have not yet learned that pouring money down this rat hole that we call military defense is destroying the country by not addressing all the social ills that are destroying us from the inside out.
The ultimate irony is that many believe that if they had our power at their fingertips, they could solve all the ills of their society and their enemies.

Sell our Military Might to the Highest Qualified Bidder

There are a lot of people in the world with money that believe their answer is better, that they have the most holiest way, the divine truth, the right way, etc. Take the middle east right now, at least six countries are engaged in wars both external and internal.  In most countries we have ordained who we think are the most holy … actually the Oligarchy has decided which side is supporting their interests.  So, why don’t we have Congress decide who are the Qualified Countries in the world to hire our military (of course in consultation with the Oligarchs). Let them bid to use our military force (using google forms) for their cause after they deposit the appropriate billions in our coffers (and millions in the appropriate PAC’s).  
What would Saudi pay for us to wipe out the Houthi Rebels.  Or how much oil could we get from Iraq to put troops on the ground to stop ISIS?  How much would Turkey pay us to attack Syria’s  President Bashar al-Assad, and perhaps, they would throw in a few extra billions to knock off some Kurds in the process.  Or how much would Libyan government pay to knock out the Libyan rebels fighting for Operation Dawn, a coalition of Islamist and Misrata forces.   And how much would Europe pay for us to put ground troops into Ukraine.  I think we are talking trillions.   How much would Japan pay us put war ships next to those islands that China is building … more trillions I think.   Perhaps we could work both sides and China could pay us to set up a line of ships guarding the islands they think are most dear.  And, how much would South Korea pay us to knock off that nut in North Korea, Kim Jong-il?

We could all be rich … Our Hawks would crap old bricks

We could literally all become stinking rich overnight.  There are trillions to be made by selling our military to the highest bidders.  We already sell our military to line the pockets of the Oligarchs around the world, but I am talking a whole new level of engagement and profiteering unlike anything the world has ever seen.  Those joining the military will get top dollar, our military will have all sorts of funds to build even greater and more powerful weapons.   Meanwhile, development of weapons by other powers will wither on the vine when they can just hire the best … why try to develop it.  And, beyond all that, the American people will not only not have to fund the military, they will reap huge profits to rebuild our infrastructure, educate our children on the American way, and export our ideas to the rest of the world.  We can even have reality war movies by equipping our drones with high quality cameras to film the destruction our military can bring down on the heads of the enemies of our benefactors.  
We can also use our drones on civilian crimes.  For instance, how much would Mexico pay for us to wreak havoc on El Chapo and his drug lords?  

Our Moral “High-Ground” Would Remain Constant

It is very clear that we deploy American troops when our interests in the Middle East are in jeopardy.  (Personally, I don’t have any interests in the Middle East.)  In other words, when some oil companies like Exxon have some assets in danger, we deploy our troops.  I don’t think any of us are under any illusion that we fight for any noble cause greater than money or kicking somebody’s butt that dared kick us in the chins.   So, how is hiring out our military for cash any different from a moral perspective than what we do now?   The only difference is who picks up the tab for the military exploits, the American public or the public in the rest of the world.  Its time to get practical and to make a profit from all our investments in a military industrial complex that is second to none.

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