Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Can Republicans Learn the "YES" word?... by Robert R. Odle, Ph.D.

The Republicans could actually set themselves up for a return to power in 2016 if they can accomplish just a few things in the next two years.  But, do they know how to stop saying "NO" to everything and actually do something and say "YES".  Three pieces of fruit are ripe for the picking:

Republicans Could Pass Immigration Reform

Assuming Republicans can learn how to say "YES" to some form of amnesty for those immigrants already in the country, they could make big points with the Hispanic population by passing Immigration Reform.  No one in their right mind believes anyone is going to go back to their home country and getting at the back of the line.  Without amnesty, everyone will simply stay here and hideout like they do now. The current system is so broke, Republicans have a golden opportunity if they can say "YES" to amnesty. 

Republicans Could Simplify the Income Tax Disaster and Eliminate the Federal Deficit

Can they take on the job of simplifying income taxes and reducing corporate taxes to make the U.S. more competitive. But, to make up the revenue lost with lower corporate taxes they will have to say "yes" to some form of carbon tax or "yes" to taxing the rich more.  
The one place that neither party can say "NO" to is the military industrial complex. However, since Republicans are so good at saying "NO" perhaps they could reduce the military budget and eliminate the deficit? Unlikely, but hope springs eternal. 

Republicans Could Shore Up Funding of SS and Medicare

To make these two systems viable for the long term Republicans are going to have to "yes" to raising the retirement age and probably "yes" to raising the cap on withholding social security from the higher paid Americans.

Can Republicans Learn to Say "YES"

The Republicans could very easily continue with the momentum of the last six years and continue attacking Obama.  That will lose them any chance at the election in 2016.  To stay a viable party, they must learn how to lead and say "YES".  Can they do it?

A good democratic country needs two good parties (at least), each doing what they are best at .. it is time for the Republicans to step up to the plate and show us what they got.

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