Sunday, August 03, 2014

When is Genocide is Permissible by Robert R. Odle, Ph.D.

When is Genocide Permissible?

The article above appeared in the Israeli Times.  It accurately reflects the unspoken Israeli policy.  It goes something like this ... if your enemy is a dog and he says he wants you dead then genocide is okay.  Isn't he saying that Israel wants Palestinians dead.  So, it would follow that genocide of Israel is okay, too.  What stupid logic.

Ok, there is no love lost on either side, on the Palestinian or Israeli side.  But, Israel as the power to carry out genocide of the Palestinians, thanks to America, but the Palestinians, namely Hamas, can talk the talk, but they can't walk the walk -- since America does not give them F16's, etc. like they do Israel. But, as Americans do we want to back a country that is even using the word Genocide.  Of course, their actions say they do not value Palestinian life ... they are practising selective Genocide trying to break the spirit of the Palestinians.

My half Jack Russel/ winnie dog, Bungalow has started his share of fights with other dogs.  Why, because his big brother, Ashton, goes in and does his best to clean up and back up Bungalow.  The U.S. is the one responsible for the Genocide occurring in Gaza.   The U.S.'s backing allows Israel to act with impunity in killing Palestinians.  The rest of the world, besides the U.S., condemns Israel actions.

What is amazing is that the youth in this country, the under 30 crowd, identify with the Palestinians.  Well, I am an old dude and when I see the genocide that is occurring under the auspices of precise targeting of terrorists by Israel it makes me sick.  They are shelling Gaza with artillery from Battleships.  Give me a break.  Battleships are World War II precision.  They are bent to flatten entire areas of a city, they are not smart bombs.  And yet, the over 30 crowd in America buys into this crab.  It makes me ashamed to be old and "wiser".  Older and and a propaganda idiot.

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