Sunday, August 31, 2014

America’s Id kicks Ass

Last year the U.S. Military gave $450 of surplus military equipment to police departments, much of it never used.  A management team that bought $450 million of surplus equipment would be fired.  But, I suspect this is no accident.  Our Industrial Military Complex owns the U.S. Congress.  Giving away military equipment is just another way for the defense companies to make more profits.  Simple.  Should we mention that many think the militarization of the police department is a big mistake and contributes to deaths of its citizens.

Now compare that to how we take care of our people in America.  Just one example will suffice to illustrate the point.  Suppose your partner gets ALS (what is ALS), or "Lou Gehrig's Disease," you might expect your government, or a kind government, to help such people.  Well, they will --- after you exhaust all your money and you are down to your last $2500 of your life savings then medicaid will give you hand with your medical expenses.  Since you must exhaust all your money to get the medical help, surely we help the spouse of the ALS person on living expenses.  Na, our government is not that kind.

Our kind government will order extra military equipment to militarize police departments but won’t give a loaf of bread to a person whose spouse has ALS.  Our government believes it leads the world by force, that it must control the world.  It no longer leads by example in creating a country that everyone would be proud to live in.  Or perhaps, we have become a people that only takes pride in the fact that we can kick ass on a battlefield, foreign or domestic, and taking care of our own doesn’t matter.

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