Monday, July 21, 2014

Police Having Nothing More to Do Than Harrasses Street People

You have to be kidding me.  Watch this video. New York Man Killed by Police for selling onesies (cigarettes), Do police have nothing more to do that go after a guy for selling cigarettes on the street?  One of the articles I read said he sold onesies to other people on the street.  Okay, let's see it is true.  He buys a pack of cigarettes and then sells them one at a time to street people for 50 cents each.  Who the hell cares.  Police says he is not collecting the taxes on cigarettes.  Are you kidding me?

If you listen to the tape I never hear the police telling this man he is under arrest.  And then a whole gang of police wrestle him to the ground because he is selling cigarettes.  I haven't seen the police produce any evidence of him selling cigarettes.

If six policemen have time to attempt to arrest a man for selling onesies, then some policemen need to be laid off.  This man pays with his life.  He has asthma and has several people laying on his back. Some of his last works were "I can't breathe".   One wonders if a nation can live with police that concerns itself with such petty crimes.

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