Thursday, February 27, 2014

The IRS God ... Guilty until Proven Innocent

There are two areas where our rights of innocent until proven guilty and a trial in front of our peers are not honored in this country:  in dealings with  1) the IRS Gods, and 2) the Drug Gods. Today, we speak of the IRS Gods.

Early in 2012 I filed my withholding taxes for the 3rd and 4th quarter for my small business, Metallurgical Viability, Inc.  I sent about $20K along with Form 944.  Unfortunately, I was supposed to use Form 941.  My bad.  Of course they took my money.  Then late summer, 2012, they tell me I have not paid my taxes for 2011.  After many letters, and several calls, I got them to realize they had my money.  I thought good.  Wrong.  I still had not sent them Form 941.  I eventually understood they wanted Form 941 and sent it in late summer 2012. 

The following is a little guess work on my part since I have never received any letters back from IRS in response to a dozen plus letters.  When I call, they tell me to send a letter with the details.

Okay.  When do they count getting my money.  You guessed it, when they received the Form 941.  Originally they fined me about $7K.  Then I wrote more letters and now it is $4K.  I found that out when I received a notice, below, that they were placing a lien against my MV property.  Of course, I have written more letters and requested a hearing.  But, the hearing is only to stop the lien, not to get any explanation of why I am being fined.

So, my conclusion is that I am being fined $4K for using the wrong form -- of course, not confirmed by IRS.  They are big on the stick, short on the explanations. Apparently, the IRS Gods do not have to explain anything to anyone. 



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