Thursday, February 19, 2009

The American Consumer

The American consumer (AC) has kept the world economy going for decades.  However, starting about ten years ago, the consumer kept the world going by using credit. The credit has run out, the world economy has collasped.

We are still taking actions to try to revive the AC.  He is ill, perhaps terminal.  He will never pull the world economy by his coat-tails.  Unless.  Unless, we find away to pay the AC, who is also the AW (the american worker), more money or taxing him less.  This is complicated by the fact that 6 billion workers are all fighting for a job and an improved life.  Those on the bottom are naturally more motivated than us fat cats at the top.  The American Worker, the biggest of fat cats, is possibly going the way of the dinosaur.  Are the corporate VP's going to take less money to give the AW / AC more of the take?  Are all the governments going to tax less to allow the AW / AC to resume his piggish ways?  Are the rest of the WW (world workers) going to roll over and quit trying.  Are more dinosuars going to die to increase the amount of cheap energy (oil)?  Are we going to get smart enough in America to use nuclear energy and reduce the cost of our energy to make it easier on the AW.   I don't think so.  I think the AW, and hence, the AC is screwed.  And for awhile the world will be screwed until we get tv's in all the Chinese and Indian homes and create the new super consumer.

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