Saturday, March 04, 2006

Nuclear Weapons

Let's say we keep 10 nuclear weapons. Let's say, China, attacks us. We drop the ten nuclear weapons on their ten biggest cities. We wipe out one billion people. Do you think that would deter them. That’s the idea isn’t it, to deter our enemies with our arsenal. At that point, the entire planet may be on the edge of annihilation, a minor detail.

Is that enough of a deterrent to stop their attack. Yes, good its worked. NO, then the next option is to finish off the planet with more nuclear weapons. That will stop those bastards. And, us too, of course. But, we have stopped those bastards. No messing with us. We are ready and able to wipe out the planet if you mess with us, sayuth Jehovah Bush.

Our nuclear policy, now governed by Jehovah Bush, assumes that we are the sacred, the blessed, capable of dealing with a power to destroy the world as we know it. Image if the Incas had had such power when the Spanish came and destroyed their way of life, their culture, their world. They could have just wiped out Madrid and the rest of Spain, and throw in Europe, and it would have saved the Incas. Perhaps, destroyed our planets, but saved their culture.

Is our culture really worth saving. A culture that won’t shelter the homeless, won’t feed the poor, won’t educate its children, is it really worth saving. Won’t not can’t. Let’s protect the wealthy with nuclear bombs. What a plan! Send people to the moon again and then to Mars. But, keep the homeless and prostitutes from working in front of the White House, and Nuc anyone who opposes us.

If we could just find those terrorists, we could nuc them. We could wipe out the entire area, except for the fact that all that oil we need is under their feet. Perhaps, we could just Nuc the Palestinians, that would show them. Perhaps we could nuc the Iranians. That would make Christians of them all.

We have 10,000 nuclear weapons. Our entire way of life will perish to support this nuclear arsenal, but as Americans were are too stupid, too timid, too trusting, too idoitic, to do anything about it. We deserve our fate.

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