Sunday, April 02, 2017

Who is your god?

My god is life, all life.  I am amazed by it, I worship it, I celebrate it.  

By extension, I am amazed that I exist, that you exist.  I think it is wonderful we are both here, here now in this moment.  I am.  I am, there is nothing more profound or more baffling in the Universe.

And I hear you saying, I am.  I’m glad to encounter you on your journey.  Isn’t it strange that we are making contact at this moment, at this place in the cosmos.  How wonderful.  But, you see, I don’t know that you exist, but I believe it.  I take it as my first act of faith that this is not all a dream.  This act of faith is the foundation of my religion.

My dog here by my side says “I am”.   I can feel his spirit, and it is no less than yours or mine.  I consider his life as sacred in my religion.  Green spring buds are emerging from the tree overhanging my pond.  Baby Koi and goldfish will soon join the tadpoles that have appeared from seemingly nowhere, as they do every year about now.  It is all amazing and important.  I am so lucky to be apart of it all.

The children of the earth are like my children, and my parents, each exploring this wonderful universe they have been dropped into.  They experience life like we do with both positive and negative stimulation, joy and pain, love and fear.  

I can approach this life and attempt to understand it rationally, but it is not rational that we are even here.  It just is, it seems.  We are here.  Wow.  Or, we can feel it, absorb it, immerse ourselves in the life that engulfs us, that swirls into our lungs and being even if we resist.  

Look out and about at our fellow children of life.  What else could be more worthy of worship and respect.  I don’t know another word to use, and despite all the negative connotations,  I don’t know what could be greater than this sea of life I am immersed in, what could deserve to be called god more than this miracle of being.


March 2017

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