Wednesday, October 14, 2015

32 Children Neutralized by Israel

Well, Israel now has a master plan.  Kids that throw rocks or try to stab Israeli citizens or police are neutralized (shot on the spot).  No, it doesn’t make a difference if they throw rocks or try to stab someone.  Neutralized. No arrest, no trial, no prison.  Just neutralized.  And then, they go find the children’s house and bull doze it.  Parents are smart enough not to protest, because they unlike the children, have been beat down by the Israelis and they do not want to be neutralized. They have neutralized 32 children and young men this month.
Well, as you might imagine, the Palestinians find this type of policing by the military abhorrent as does everyone in the world except the U.S.   Their good policemen (except they are the military) are worse than our worst policemen.
But now the Israelis have come up with a new plan.  They are not returning the children’s bodies to the parents, but instead keep the children’s bodies and dump them in unmarked graves (read plastic bags in the local dump).  

Hmmm.  Basically, the Israelis continue to kick the Palestinians like stray dogs and wonder why they keep getting bit. How would you react if your captors did this to your kids.

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