Monday, September 28, 2015

Keystone Pipeline Compromise

There is a lot of controversy over it whether or not the Keystone pipeline should be built. Many want to make the key question on building the pipeline this: should we use fossil fuels for our energy source or should we use renewable sources. The pipeline might make a small amount of difference on this question because oil might be slightly cheaper if this pipeline is installed. But the major driver of whether or not we us renewable sources is the price of those renewable sources compared to the global price of fossil fuels. Using renewable Energy will depend on developments in that field and the willingness of our government to subsidize renewable energy sources until their price comes down.  Increased research in renewable technologies could also drive prices lower in the long run. But, our country is doing precious little for the future.

The correct question to ask about the Keystone pipeline is this: is it safer to deliver oil via a pipeline or via rail cars and trucks. Given the fact that trains crash in this country on a fairly frequent basis and that our infrastructure is in bad need of modernization, this question is really very straightforward: the pipeline is much safer than rails and trucks.

The pipeline has become a very political subject. However I think we can get past it being political if we ask the right questions. 

I am an independent strongly leaning toward Barry Sanders, but that does not mean I can't break ranks and have a different opinion.  In fact, on economic issues I agree often with Republicans and I can usually imagine reasonable compromises.  On social and issues of compassion, I'm squarely in the democratic camp.

How about using the pipeline as a bargaining chip to get free public education through college? That's how we got stuff done in America in the good old days like with Regan, Clinton, Johnson,  Eisenhower, etc.  How about agreeing to the pipeline if the bill includes a tax on the oil that would fund college for all our citizens, or provide health care to its citizens, or rebuild our infrastructure ... or  do something we think is important for our country.  

The pipeline is a chip to be used in bargaining for something we progressive, compassionate loving people could use for something our country needs ... 

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