Monday, March 09, 2015

Unarmed Illegal Gun-downed Like a Rabid Dog By Robert R. Odle


  1. Rubén García Villalpando, 31, father of four children, bread winner. He was a car mechanic that lived illegally in the U.S. where he provided for his wife and children for 15 years.  Gun-downed, unarmed by police after traffic stop.
  2. Antonio Zambrano-Montes, 35, orchard worker missing for two weeks from family.  Illegal, probably mentally ill. Gun-downed by police for throwing rocks.
  3. Unknown, mentioned by Mexico but didn’t make the news here.Antonio-Zambrano-Montes-700x467.jpg

  • Warning this video looks like cold blooded murder to me of a man who allegedly threw some rocks:  Police Murder Rock Thrower in Pasco, Washington.

Of course since they are illegals, their lives are not as important as us white Americans.   Is this thinking why these murders by police don’t even make the news.  Lucky someone had a phone camera or the Pasco case would probably just disappear - it may anyway.  

The police often reflect the prejudices of the culture they represent -- and not necessarily the most humane aspects of the culture.  Words like immigration and illegals are being thrown around with words like terrorists, heroin, and border SECURITY.  Yes, they are used in this way to cause fear.  They make you forget that illegals, who may also be dads, moms, children, humans, students, poor people, desperate people, hard workers, etc. , or they may be less desirable people like other criminals born in America. All you really know about these HUMANS is that they probably broke some laws to feed their families.
As A Good Citizen of Humankind we must remember that they are humans who are as valuable as you and me and should be afforded the same rights as any human found anywhere.  Our Declaration of Independence says "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" are three examples of the "unalienable rights" which has been given to all human beings by their Creator, and for which governments are created to protect. A Good Citizen of Humankind realizes these rights apply to the father above who was also an illegal.


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