Saturday, January 24, 2015

Obama and Community College: Reward Kids that Graduate

To be competitive internationally, we need more college graduates.  I would like to offer a different spin to free college.

1) Loan anyone the money to attend college.
2) If they pass the course, forgive 90% of the debt.
3) If they graduate, forgive the balance of the debt.

The goal is not to get kids into college, the goal is to get them to graduate.  Reward kids that graduate by forgiving their school loans.  The kid wins and the nation wins.  Our present prosperity was built on the backs of the kids that attended school in the decades of the 50's, 60's, and 70's, etc.

The same concept could apply to all forms of post secondary education.  If you look at the graph below, thirty years ago we had 45 percent of people getting college degrees.  Well, we haven't improved.   The rest of the world is improving .... many our kicking our butt.  Our new high tech world will reward those that are educated more than ever before.  If you want the U.S. to continue to lead innovation, then push for programs that promote for more kids graduating from college and all other forms of education.

Do you have any idea how to increase the college graduation rate?

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