Thursday, October 02, 2014

Our Health System (Life Style?) is Less Effective in Producing Wellness Than Most

The above data says the U.S. spends more of its money on healthcare than anyone other country does. 
 So, we must be the healthiest right?  

Hmmm.  Amazing it seems that many people live longer than us.  People in Cuba live as long as us.  Japan, Norway, Iceland, Costa Rica, Malta, New Zealand, etc. spend half the money and live longer. 

Well, I am sure we have less babies dies, who cares about how long we live:

Well, there are three countries where more babies die than the U.S.  Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, we are better than you.  Norway has half as many baby deaths as than we do.  So what is wrong.  Let's see who is fatter.
Well, we win we are the most fat. Why I wonder are we fat?
We almost win.  I bet by 2014 we eat more sugar than anyone else. How do we do this, eat so much sugar.

Wow.  We drink a lot of sodas that have a lot of sugar in them.

Let's summarize.  We spend more money on healthcare than anyone else but we die sooner including our babies during birth.  We are fat and drink a lot of sodas.  So, why were we so proud of the American Medical System?  Why are we so against changes brought about by Obamacare.  It is not like we have a stellar system if based on performance for dollar spent.

We are always so proud believing America is the best.   I am on a quest to figure out the part of American life that is better than the rest of the people on the planet - since we continue to believe it.  My mom used to say that if you have your health you are wealthy.  So, I guess America is not so wealthy compared to most developed countries around the world.  Does that surprise you?

Any ideas on what areas of American life that is better than most of the developed countries in the world?  We believe it, so it must be true.

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