Monday, January 30, 2006

Due Process

Due Process
When did we decide as a country that our principles only apply to American citizens.  We promote democracy and rule of law all over the globe, witness Iraq, at least with our tongues and guns.  But someone that is expected of terrorism, does not deserve Due Process of Law according to Jehovah Bush.  This applies to U.S. and British citizens, and of course, to all the secondary citizens in our holy empire that belong to countries of less importance, e.g., Pakistan for instance.  I pick Pakistan since I know someone from there that ended up in prison for two years without Due Process of Law.  He was never charged with any offense and was then released.  No sorry-we-did-that, we-ruined-your-life, but-it-was-for-a-noble-cause --excuse, or anything similar.   He WAS well off and could almost afford spending a few hundred thousand on lawyers that could do nothing, since he did nothing, and was charged with nothing, but simply held in prison, by Jehovah Bush who thought he was of the right color and ethnicity to be suspect.  All of his family had American citizenship, so of course, they were not suspect visa-vie our nobility and high principles.

Of course, we set the stage with the way we handle the drug-war and income taxes, where the Government has extraordinary powers to protect us from ourselves and condemn any mere mortal without due process.  Did you see that story on 60 Minutes this week where a guy was put in prison for using too many pain pills (and allegedly trafficking in drug sales) for a severe back injury?  The government decided, and convinced a jury, that he could not take as many pain pills as he bought although after three months of surveillance they could not find any evidence to support this assumption.   Now, in prison for 25 years, he gets morphine on demand from Jehovah Bush.  His wife and young children now love America.  

A government taking power is nothing new.  A people not fighting back when they are being destroyed (Jews) is nothing new.  Declaring others to be evil and then killing or punishing them (Salem Witches) as part of a noble cause is nothing new.  So why I am amazed that the American people do not get upset with the Patriot Act or Guantanamo Bay?  We have no values other that consumption (as in consumerism).  If it doesn’t impact the shopping mall, then who gives a shit.  I guess I am the last radical who believes in Due Process on the planet.  And, oh yea, the Democrats are taking a strong stand against these abuses and for Due Process of Law.  Oh yea, I forgot, they might lose a vote if they said a suspected terrorist should get Due Process of Law.  Standing up for something and losing their meal ticket is expecting too much.  And American, once was GREAT.

1 comment:

theDonnybrook said...

jeebus, i thought i was harsh and opinionated. keep up the good work.

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