Sunday, January 27, 2019

California 2084 a novel by Roe

The year, 2084. California and the NE is a separate country. Texas in partnership with Mexico is also a separate country. China's economy is four times larger than the States, the diminished country after the split. The States are spiraling toward bankruptcy in an attempt to maintain its military superiority.

In the world, ninety percent of all goods and services are made by AI and robots.  Wealth inequality in the States and much of the world is extreme.  In the States, he rich live in walled cities behind razor wire and electric fences.  The poor fill the countryside. 

In California, a socialist state deals with AI by taxing it and spending the taxes to insure a decent life for all of its residents. California has seven levels of wealth, the highest limited to 10x the income of the poorest level.  Healthcare, childcare, education, food and retirement is furnished by the state via taxes on AI.  Working is a privilege.  Bureaucracy controls everything for the individual. 

Texas a libertarian stronghold is the world leader in renewable power and deals with automation in a different way.  It requires its college and high school graduates to work a decade in a government financed "Youth Services" to absorb its extra workforce. Youth Services assist with education, caring for the old, etc.  They export their lifestyle and products to Latin America.

Jane Galt, a brilliant software developer is assigned a mundane job in the Equivalence Department in California.  For seven years, Jane works on the side to develop Lisa, an advanced AI program. The Chinese notice Jane and her prodigy and she becomes a cult figure in China before the States realize the military potential of Lisa.  When the States try to con Jane into a job to build an economic model to save the World Economy in a ruse to get control of Lisa, Jane becomes an unlikely hero. When the military in the States make a move to control Lisa,   Lisa shuts down the Missile Defense System to save herself.  Jane in trying to save herself, Lisa, and eventually Texas from being swallowed by the States military machine, she becomes the leader of the resistance.

As the states become desperate,  Jane is hunted down by autonomous killing machines used by the States to fight its wars.  Lisa and the resistance make a desperate last ditch effort to save Jane and their way of life.

California 2084 Part 4  - in progress (let me know if you can't wait and I will let you read it as I type). 

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